Hello everyone, and welcome to this edition of the Tarnished Truth. Summer has come to a close, and so has the ANA show in Denver, CO. And while I wasn't able to attend, everyone I've spoken with has indicated that it was an all around good show with strong attendance. In fact, one person even went so far as to say it was the best ANA show he had ever attended. For an interesting perspective, read about it below "from the other side of the table". Just a reminder: the next club auction is scheduled to open on October 7th. You can see what's available for bidding <here>. I guess that's about it for this edition. I'd like to remind everyone that if you have anything you would like to submit for future newsletters, shoot me an email. To quote one of the previous editions: "YOUR INPUT to this newsletter is not only desired - it is essential. Your contributions will only make this newsletter better and will enhance the experiences all of us share."
I hope you enjoy this edition of the Tarnished Truth. Our next issue is scheduled for December! |
Rick Engstrom WINS#483 Editor |
*TRIVIA QUESTION* Question: What U.S. coin design caused public concern that its circulation would spread germs and disease? THE PRESIDENT'S CORNER Words of inspiration from the WINS President. <Read it HERE>. FROM BEHIND THE GREEN CURTAIN Interesting IT tidbits helpful to all members and more. <Read it HERE>. TREASURER'S REPORT Most recent financial activity of our club. < Read it HERE>. MEMBER SHOW REPORT August 2006 - ANA, Denver, CO. – Josh Moran, WINS#62. <Read it HERE>. *TRIVIA ANSWER* Answer: Indian $2 1/2 and $5 gold pieces. |
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