Words of inspiration from our President.
Dave Noble, WINS#204
Treasurer's Report
Quarterly financial activity.
Ken Hughes, WINS#112
Member Articles
About the Auctions A few words about the upcoming auctions
Dave Noble, WINS#204
Letter to JD Brandon Frei, WINS#868
Cash Coins Quentin Christensen, WINS #920
The Henning Nickel Jack Topping, WINS#975
From The Editor
I am sad to start this newsletter again with a death notice. One of the driving forces behind WINS, JD has also passed away. Brandon has wrote a beautiful letter to him, which you can read in this newsletter. As a personal remembrance, I can't thank him enough for all his help he gave me to serve as a newsletter editor.
On the mailing list, we had a few discussions regarding the auctions, in connection with this, Dave Noble shares a few words.
Next, we can read from our regular contributor, Quentin Christensen, who this time shares some information about Chinese cash coins. I have to admit, I haven't had one until recently. It is an interesting topic that deserves much attention.
The last article is from Jack Topping, who is one of our newest members, he shares some thoughts with us about the Henning Nickel.
I hope you will enjoy reading the numismatic discoveries of our members.
Happy collecting!
Tom Babinszki,
WINS#919, Editor