Coin Club World Internet Numismatic Society


The Tarnished Truth
- Electronically Published Since 2001 -
*** Vol VII *** Apr-May-Jun 2014 *** Issue II ***



Words of inspiration



Quarterly club financial activity.



"A Perspective on Kitchener's £2 Coin"
Peter Munro, WINS#886

"Flying Eagle and Indian Cent Variety Collecting"
Dave Noble, WINS#204

"Let the Blind See: What's on a Coin Anyway?"
Tom Babinski, a blind collector, WINS#919

"The Other Side of the Fence"
Brandon Frei, WINS#868

- From The Editor -

I am happy to present Volume VII, Issue II of The Tarnished Truth. This issue was admittedly harder to manage since I've been going into and out of the field quite a bit more than usual.

Some of you have asked what I do within my profession, so I thought I'd share a snapshot. In May, I spent 2+ solid weeks doing 24-hour steady state operations training maneuver. 24-hour steady state operations means you go from mission to mission and sleep when you can sneak it in. From there, we had a week of Recovery, where we clean up ourselves and our gear. Because we were going back into the field a week later, we had to multi-task and squeeze in field prep with Recovery. Normally, Recovery and field prep are two separate weeks of fun, so you can imagine how busy we were doing both. After the week of being back, we went back into the field for Gunnery for another 2+ weeks, where we qualified crews on their weapon systems. Imagine seeing a Bradley and HMMWV rolling down the road, shooting bullets and explosive projectiles at targets. It was a great experience and I learned a lot, but I'm still trying to catch back up on sleep!

I am very excited to hear that our Anniversary Tokens have been delivered to our President and he is preparing them for shipment. Once the board settles on a delivery date, we will have those shiny objects moving toward our doorsteps. I don't know when they will be mailed out, but it is my understanding that we will have them before Christmas.

I have included a PDF word search puzzle of numismatic terms. Truth be told, the idea came when I was looking for ways to bulk up the Newsletter since I don't have as many articles as last time. After some brainstorming, I decided it would be fun to expand our numismatic knowledge through a game and a little competition. The first member to complete, scan/photograph, and return the word search to me (by email) will receive a small gift package of coins and recognition in the next issue. I will decide who was the fastest person to return it once I've confirmed all the terms were located; I will also be the one selecting the prize.

A special thanks to Peter Munro, David Noble, and Tom Babinski for contributing articles to the Newsletter. I enjoyed the reads and I am certain the group will too. I would like to remind the group that everyone is welcome to submit any coin-related article they desire. I am certain there is a treasure trove of readable material right at your fingertips!

Happy Reading and Happy Collecting.

Brandon Frei, WINS#868


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