Words of inspiration
from our President.
Read it HERE
IT tidbits and more.
Read it HERE
Recent club financial
Read it HERE
The Concept
of Money
by Ray Larson, WINS#20
Read it HERE
Hello everyone,
Welcome to
another edition of
the Tarnished Truth.
I hope everyone
had a happy holiday. I know I say this every December, but I cannot
believe another year has come and passed already. 2008 has come to a
close, and in a few days we’ll be in ’09.
Since our last newsletter, yet another auction – our annual Christmas
auction – has come to a successful close. Our Operations Administrator
(and Auction Coordinator) has that, and more, in this installment of
‘Behind the Green Curtain’. As always, big thanks go out to JD for his
efforts to keep our auctions running smooth. Many lots sold, and I hope
everyone took the time to check out what was offered.
Be sure to check out this edition’s member article. Ray Larson has
provided a very interesting perspective on the development of monetary
systems. I enjoyed reading it a great deal, as I'm sure you will,
too. Thanks Ray!
and Coming
Our next newsletter will have a new section – ‘Auction Want List’. This will give members an opportunity to share with other members what
material they would specifically like to see in upcoming auctions.
Member want lists will be posted to this section anonymously. Of
course, this is not meant to be a restrictive list. As always members
are encouraged to submit any numismatic material to the auctions that
they choose. However, this may give some folks a chance to see what
other members are currently looking for.
Last year, I added a section to this newsletter which has been sorely
neglected. It was my hope that a Show and Tell section would enhance
the newsletter by offering a place where members could add images from
their collection to share with other members. Unfortunately, it hasn’t
taken off. So now it’s up to you. If you would like to see this section
continue, please send me material.
I guess that's
all for me... Talk to you on the lists.
WINS#483, Editor
Netherlands Ducat - Utrecht Province
Submitted by: Rick
Engstrom, WINS#483
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or feedback? How about a suggestion to improve future issues of
the newsletter? Don't keep it to yourself! Email your thoughts to
the:WINS Editor
be sure to title the subject of your email: "WINS Newsletter
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