Coin Club World Internet Numismatic Society


The President's Corner
- November 2005 -

The WINS Club is in its sixth year. We have had consistent growth in membership, now approaching six hundred from fifty-four different countries. Though the number of active members is much less, the total has remained fairly consistent at about one hundred. And though we'd like to have a larger role of active membership, those who remain active on the email lists participate regularly; and the regular participants are knowledgeable, astute collectors. But even more importantly, the active members are always willing to share their knowledge with our close-knit WINS family.

WINS is still seeking growth. Additional members will continue to increase the knowledge base and the interaction on the email lists. Please consider promoting the WINS Club whenever you get a chance. There are a couple of fairly easy ways to do so. When you visit the WINS Flyer page on our web site here, you can read about suggestions for acquiring copies of the WINS promotional flyer for distribution. The flyer is an easy means of potentially getting folks interested in our club.

An even easier promotional approach is to visit the section of our web site where you can obtain the HTML to place a "Join WINS" button on your own web site or within pages of other internet material. It's very simple to obtain the button and accompanying verbiage. Just visit the WINS information page here. At the bottom of the page, you'll locate the instructions. All you need to do is copy and paste and pre-written HTML. This "Join WINS" button could go a long way in helping to increase our membership.

If you haven't had the chance, do yourself a favor and take a look at the WINS web site page that reviews our "Coins As Art" contest here. The contest was held a couple of years ago, but the entries remain posted for your viewing pleasure. Some of the entries are simple in design and others are pretty complex. But they're all interesting. The Board has discussed the possibility of another similar contest. Maybe we'll see one develop sometime soon. If you have any good ideas about the next "Coins As Art" contest, please advise the Board. If you'd like to help sponsor a similar contest, or if you'd like to organize or otherwise participate in it, please let us know.

Spencer Guiley has been WINS' unofficial promoter of our "Members' Collecting Interests" web page. The page was designed to permit each active member to tell a little about their coin-collecting hobby. Take a look at the page when you get a chance here. The entries from the members are interesting, and each active member has the opportunity to display a photo as well. If you haven't yet participated, please consider doing so. And if you have already listed your collecting interests but have not yet submitted a photo, please send one when you get a chance. It's neat being able to place a face with a member's name. The page is open to all Active WINS members. Thanks for promoting the page, Spencer, and keep up the good work.

In closing I, once again, congratulate the newly elected Board members. They are already hard at work on behind-the-scenes issues. Please support these volunteers and offer them asistance in running your club when you get a chance. And don't forget the WINS Christmas Auction #32 which begins in a few weeks. Last year our Christmas Auction set a record with 214 lots. We'd love to surpass that total this year. Remember that you can enter as many as fifteen coin-lots per member for this auction, as well as list half of them with other non-coin collectibles. Bidding in the Christmas Auction lasts for two weeks. So, look around and see what you can dig up to list. JD's been accepting lots for the last few weeks, and the auction is already shaping up. Let's make this year's Christmas Auction the best ever.

Best Regards,

Ralph J. Huntzinger
WINS President


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