Numismatic Coin Club
World Internet Numismatic Society


The Tarnished Truth
*** Vol III *** January 2004 *** Issue III ***

      Howdy Folks - Welcome to The Tarnished Truth !

    December - it's never been a month I really cared for much. It's cold, there's lots of snow, and it gets dark too dang early ! It's also of course the month for Christmas - a holiday I enjoyed a whole lot more as a kid ;-} But it was a pretty good month for WINS. We held our largest and most successful auction to date ! Hopefully it will be the beginning of a Christmas tradition for the club. I'm sure JD, our auctioneer, will have additional comments about it.

We are also heading into our last week for entries in the WINS club coin and logo contest. Members who wish to participate should use the link below. There are also a couple of other contests, which were conducted by 2 club members, Joe Garbarini and myself Doug Prather. These contests were open to members who have signed up for the WINS Talk list and WINS Trading Post list. Joe's contest was for the member who could come closest to the closing price for silver on 12/31/03. The prize is to be a Bust Half Dollar. My contest was for the member who could come closest to predicting the high for gold in 2003 with the prize being a tenth oz. American Gold Eagle. Both of these contest are now ended and the winners will be announced in next month's Newsletter.

I again would urge all WINS members to participate in this Newsletter. It is your method to share with the membership what is going on, numismatically speaking, in your life and with your collecting. I would especially encourage our YN members to participate. Tell us what you have learned or hope to learn in the future. Or tell us what collecting goals you may have achieved. Our more advanced members cam always share with us their knowledge on a given subject in the form of an article long or short. And any of you can always share collecting stories or just any comments you may have about what is going on in the Numismatic world. We are a very diverse group with members from all over the world and I am sure that each and every one of you has something to share with the rest of us. It's not hard and doesn't require much effort. C'mon - give it a try ;-}

    That's about it for now - I hope you enjoy this as well as future issues of - The Tarnished Truth.

Doug Prather, editor

CONTEST UPDATE - The closing date for the WINS "member only" design contest has been extended and there are prizes for ALL members who participate so don't be left out. Read about it HERE.

THE PRESIDENT'S CORNER - Words of inspiration from the WINS President. Read it HERE.

FROM BEHIND THE GREEN CURTAIN - Interesting IT tidbits helpful to all members and more. Read it HERE.

HAPPENINGS - Want to know what's going on in the numismatic world ? This is one of the places to find out. Read it HERE.

? ? ? Trivia Question ? ? ? - Where ( city & country ) & when ( year ) did the first coin auction take place ? ?
Answer at the bottom of this page.

EXCEPTIONAL EMAIL - An email taken from the WINS Talk List worth reading. Read it HERE.

TREASURER'S REPORT - The WINS paypal account is - .

New Donations-Auction 18

Tom Cook for Ray Larson's #1 - $100.00

Joe Garbarini for Ray Larson's #9 - $9.00

Brad Meadows for Joe Garbarini's #14 - $21.00

Joe Garbarini for Dave Noble's #43 - $2.50

Ralph Huntzinger for Dave Noble's # 44 - $5.00

Art OConnel for Dave Noble's #45 - $3.00

Ian Milne for Dave Noble's #46 - $15.00

Ralp Huntzinger for Doug Prather/Joe Garbarini's #47 - $25.00

Scott Guiley for Doug Prather/Joe Garbarini's #48 ( which Joe lost - John was there an 1834 LL in your children's packs? If so let them keep it I have reimbursed Scott) - $40.00

James Gay for Joe Sladivar's #84 - $25.00

Ralph Huntzinger for Chase Davis' #92 - $6.00

Max Trifan for Steve Strum's #93 - $5.50

Dean Parr for Ralph Huntzinger's #96 - $31.00

Richard Robinson for Ralph Huntzinger's #98 - $1.50

Dean Parr for Ralph Huntzinger's #99 - $2.00

Jason Craton for Ralph Huntzinger's #100 - $15.00

Jason Craton for Raplh Huntzinger's #101 - $5.00

Joe Garbarini for Tim Puro's #125 - $0.50

Max Trifan for Tim Puro's #126 - $0.05

Doug Prather for Tim Puro's #127 - $1.00

Doug Prather for Tim Puro's #128 - $10.00

Joe Garbarini for Tim Puro's #129 - $1.00

Ernest Swauger for Tim Puro's #130 - $3.00

Ernest Swauger for Tim Puro's #131 - $3.00

Ray Larson for Tim Puro's #133 - $1.00

Total Donations - $331.05


Previous Balance - $490.15

Paypal Balance - $397.90
Hardin County Bank Balance - $92.25
Sub-Total New Balance - $490.15
Current Cash Balance - $331.05
New Balance as of 12-30-03 - $821.20

With regard to donations, all donors will be named in future Treasurer's Reports unless you ask me for anonymity.

Joe Garbarini WINS #9

? ? ? Trivia Answer ? ? ? The answer is: 1598 in Leiden, Netherlands.


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