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From Behind The Green Curtain
- August 2004 -

IT Update - Did you ever think that bad things won't happen to you?  They can happen to others, but not you.  A tornado might touch down near your house, but it's not going hit it, because you're blessed.  You don't get caught driving too fast because somehow, your car is invisible or the cop is always looking the other way.  You get away with things that others get caught doing, so you keep right on doing them.  I've heard this referred to as the Superman Syndrome, most often associated with teenagers (teenage boys to be more specific).

But as time goes by, we mature, look at things a little differently and tend to become a little more careful.  We've received a warning to slow down by the highway patrol once or twice and remember that tornado that touched down in the neighborhood last summer?  While it didn't take your house, it did remove most of the new roof tiles you just had installed.  And, that recent hailstorm seemed a little closer this time; you've got a cracked windshield to prove it.

If you suffer under the delusion that your system will never get a virus, worm or Trojan, then you too may be experiencing a form of the Superman Syndrome.  I know, all too well.  I was certain it wouldn't happen to me - again- , particularly after that incident with the virus last summer.  I figured that must have been a fluke, after all, I use a good firewall and anti-virus software, and I'm very careful where I surf on the Internet.  But, I made one very big mistake.  I had been trying out a version of an operating system that I could not register or update, just to see if I liked it.  It took several weeks to get it and everything else back to "snuff" when my version of the operating software (an earlier one) arrived.  But, at that point I just couldn't bring myself to perform another "do-over" again that soon, so I let it go and relied on the firewall and anti-virus software for protection.

For little over a year everything worked fine and then my house of cards came tumbling down.  While surfing late one evening (or early morning, depending upon how you view 2:00 AM), I must have selected a link to a site that belonged to one of the bad guys because a non-recoverable Trojan was inserted into my system.  Non-recoverable due to the lack of critical security updates to the operating system.  I lost complete online control of the computer.  The browser would open to various advertising pages ranging from gambling offers to porno of all kinds and possibly more, but there were so many pages opened I couldn't keep up, let alone identify them all.  Attempting to shut down the browser had no effect, removing power from the computer was the only way to stop the process.  If I tried to send an email without starting the browser, multiple versions of the email would be sent to the recipient.  Multiple attempts to eradicate the Trojan proved fruitless.  Needless to say, going online was out of the question.

In the past, I've tried to impress upon readers the need for anti-virus software and firewalls.  Now I find it necessary to stress the importance of updating your computer's operating system, particularly with all security patches offered.  If you have a difficult time with downloading and installing while online, breakdown and order the CD.  The alternative is extremely unpleasant.

If you've downloaded and installed all of Microsoft's updates including SP1 and you've finally got your system operating "just the way you want it to", standby folks.  SP2 is just around the corner and it's gonna be a bear. It has more revisions and security updates compiled into it than you could imagine.  So many, that other software producers have been complaining bitterly for months while trying to get their software to work with it again.  Find out more about it HERE.

Web Site Update - You may have noticed that data located at the bottom of each web site page is now missing any mention of the dYneX internet group.  Linda Diedrich (the owner) and I have worked together for over 7 years, but she has had several strokes and is presently waiting to find out if anything can be done with the brain tumor that was just recently located.  The dynex server that has been taken over by Linda's daughter and the WINS website will remain on the server for now with the same free hosting.  What the future will bring remains to be seen.

If you have any suggestions for the web site, please feel free to submit them to me.

Auction Update - Auction 23 is just around the corner, opening August 7, at 7:00 PM MST. Take a look HERE.  Why not see if you can find something to place in the next auction?  Your participation can only make the auction better.

Thank you kindly,
JD White, WINS#7


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