Numismatic Coin Club World Internet Numismatic Society


From Behind The Green Curtain
- July 2004 -

IT Update - I have mentioned more than once how important it is to keep your virus software up to date, but just as important, you've got to be more aware today than ever before.  Recently, Ken Hughes reported on the WINS Talk List a scam that looked very real and I thought it important enough to repeat here (with Ken's permission).

Hey gang,

I know this has been talked about, but it looks like the effort has been increased. I just received the THIRD PayPal spoof email in about a month. It is insidious, and actually (eventually) sends you to the REAL PayPal site, all logged in like you are supposed to be.

The message told me that a new email address had been added to my account, and if that wasn't correct to "visit the link below" to "verify my information." For someone who isn't familiar with the real site, they would NEVER realize they had been screwed. Interestingly, all three messages I got had the same fake email address []. As info, that isn't even a real address, and actually takes you to the fake login, as well.

Just for kicks, I clicked on the link, and up pops a login page that looks like PayPal. I mean, you CAN'T tell them apart. I tried. I pulled up the real page and compared them on the screen sided by side. If you aren't paying attention to the address line, or don't know what the address SHOULD look like, you're hooked! I entered a nonsense username and password. It then passed me to the REAL PayPal, where I was told my login failed. Surprise!

Everyone, PLEASE be careful out there.

Happy Father's Day,
WINS 112

If you would like to read the original Ken is referring to, Read it HERE.

Web Site Update - There have been no real changes to the web site so there's nothing to report.  If you have any suggestions, please feel free to submit them to me.

Auction Update - Auction 22 featured 17 member/sellers from Australia, Mexico and the USA who offered 99 lots which drew 30 member/bidders.  The auction closed on June 26 and was one terrific auction.  The next auction, number 23 is scheduled to open August 7 at 7:00 PM MST. Sellers may submit items to me at any time. Maybe we can top auction 22.

There has been some misunderstanding concerning early bids and why I don't accept them.  The reasons are simple.  All bids are date/time stamped upon receipt by the email software and this feature has determined the bid winner more than once at the close of an auction.  I feel it's only fair to use the same requirements for the entire auction, that and it's a pain to store the early bids while I'm still building the auction.  Therefore, I plan to recommend to the board a couple of changes to the auction rules to clarify a few things.  More on this next time.

Thank you kindly,
JD White, WINS#7


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