Hi Guys
I was in the local coin shop last week
and heard and interesting conversation
between the dealer and an obvious neophite
that I thought you might get a kick out of.
I'll premise the story by telling you that
although this old dealer is exceedingly honest
and a dog gone good grader, lets just say
he can be a little hard to be around at times.
Well the way he treated this young man who
had come in to sell a few coins that his mother
had left him well it astounded me. He didn't get
angry, his normal reaction when told by the
young man he had really only wanted to see
what they were worth. He is always
complaining about folks wanting free
estimates so they have an idea of what to
ask somewhere else. Yes he does normally
charge to evaluate collections, many dealers
do. The young man then ask to see a
U.S dollar from 1949, well again no fireworks,
he simple explained how nore were made
between 1935 and 1978. When ask about
coin books he said yes he had many, the Red
book was the best at retail and the blue book
gave an idea of what an average dealer might
pay, and here is about where I fell over, he
told the young man that the Red Book was
mostly high and the Blue Book was mostly
low, and then made me consider him for
sainthood when he suggested that although
he did sell them that the public library
would check these books out for free until
he decided if he were interested or not.
If you knew this dealer you would be as
perplexed as I. Guess the secret with him is
to act new and unsophisticated. : 0 ) Best Ray...
Ray Larson WINS #20
If you believe there is good in
people you will always find it in them